
Underswap papyrus x reader lemon
Underswap papyrus x reader lemon

#Underswap papyrus x reader lemon skin#

'Go.Into.Da.Flakes!!!' Temmie shouted,I dodged them again and a creepy face that made my skin crawl. 'Hehe,yo must have misundastood!Yo're suppasoed to go into da Temmie Flakes!!' Temmie said through their teeth,my soul dodged the flakes again. 'This yo saol!Da verie culmanation of yo bean,right nouw it's vewwy wek!!!Yo ned sem LOVE,wat is LOVE yo ask?To hard too ewpwain,just grad da Temmie Flakes!!' Temmie said,weird pieces of paper started flinging to my soul.I moved it around,I may be kind but I'm not dumb.I wasn't going to trust some random monster that I just met,especially if they offer me 'help'. I opened my eyes and winched,I felt like I'd been bruised all over.I realized I was on a bed of golden flowers,the hole I fell down looked almost invisible from down here.My F/C shirt had a few stains and my brown shorts had a few crushed petals on them, 'Okay,how did I survive a thousand foot fall!?And why did I slow down for a second,am I losing my mid!?' I thought clutching my head.I took a deep breath and calmed down, 'I'm alive,somehow.After a quick rest I'm going to explore,these look like ruins.' I told myself.While I rested I cleaned myself up a bit, a lot of seeds had stuck to my clothes.The pain was starting to fade and be taken over by soreness and a bit of stiffness,I stood up carefully and started walking down the hall.There in front of the exit was a dog,cat wolf thing? 'HOI!!!I'm Tem,Tem da Temmie!Yous must be neu to da Undaground!!Looks like Tem neds ta show ya how thins wark round ere!!!!' the thing said in a high pitched voice,suddenly everything turned black and white except for the two of us.A bright green heart appeared in front of me,then a sort of board appeared around it. 'I don't want to die!' I thought as tears of fear gushed from my eyes and into the air,then suddenly for a moment I slowed down.I felt confused but then I started falling at top speed again,all I saw was gold before I landed on solid ground and blacked out.

underswap papyrus x reader lemon

'When you get to hell tell your parents I said hi!!' Josh shouted,I screamed as I quickly fell down the seemingly endless black hole.

underswap papyrus x reader lemon underswap papyrus x reader lemon underswap papyrus x reader lemon

'If you believe in saving the environment so much,why don't we make sure you don't take up any air!' Josh cackled and pushed me,I tripped over a root and I felt the weird sensation of falling. 'I don't think so, we've gotten tired of your yapping!All about world peace and the goodness of others,it's driving everyone nuts!' Josh snirked,I took a step back and barely regained my balance. 'Why are they all on about this?' I thought trying to look into the hole without falling in, 'Why don't you find out if the legends are true,freak!' I heard a familiar voice shout.I turned around to see Josh and his cronies, 'G-guys,we can talk about this!' I said nervously.

Underswap papyrus x reader lemon